The hotels below are listed in order of their distance from your current location.
To quickly find hotels and motels with indoor pools near you, complete the short form above and click the green Search button.
How do I know if a hotel has an indoor pool?
Our hotel descriptions clearly identify hotels that have indoor swimming pools. And when you use the search form above, only nearby hotels with indoor pools will be displayed.
How can I find hotels near me that have indoor pools and are pet friendly?
To see hotels near you that have indoor pools and also allow pets, just click the "Pet Friendly" box when you use the search form above. Then note in the Special Instructions box on the check-out page that you will be bringing a pet with you.
I am planning a trip. How can I find hotels where I'm going that have indoor pools?
Complete the short form at the top of the page.
If you find that any of our information about hotels with indoor pools is incorrect, please send a quick note to We will appreciate your help and fix the error quickly.