The hotels below are listed in order of their distance from your current location.
To quickly find extended-stay hotels near you, complete the short form above and click the green Search button.
How do I know which hotels are extended-stay hotels?
Our hotel descriptions clearly label extended-stay hotels in the first line. And when you use the search form above, only nearby extended-stay hotels will be displayed.
What hotel chains are extended-stay?
How can I find extended-stay hotels near me that are also pet friendly?
To see extended-stay hotels near you that allow pets, just click the "Pet Friendly" box when you use the search form above. Then note in the Special Instructions box on the check-out page that you will be bringing a pet with you.
I am planning a trip. How can I find extended-stay hotels where I'm going?
Go to this page and complete the short form at the top of the page.
If you find that any of our information about extended-stay hotels is incorrect, please send a quick note to We will appreciate your help and fix the error quickly.